Adopt Baby Woolly Monkey Shimi

A good example what a difference your donation can make for one animal is Shimi.

She arrived to Merazonia in 2022 as a small baby after her mother was shot down from the rainforest canopy for bushmeat - a fate sadly suffered by many of our baby monkeys.

Shimi was then taken into a human home, where she suffered mouth injuries after chewing on an electrical wire. When it became clear that Shimi needed specialized care, she was handed over to another rescue centre, that quickly passed her on to Merazonia due to our expertise with neonatal primates.

Shimi's personality started to shine through shortly after, as well as beginning to grow stronger and more confident. Almost a year later, Shimi was integrated in a larger juvenile woolly monkey group, with the aim that one day she will be released with them.

Integrating Shimi was complicated due to her past traumas, resulting in an increased risk of health problems. But our, and her, persistance paid off and in December 2024, Shimi was released succesfully within our reserve as part of a group of young woolly monkeys. And they all still thrive in freesom in our reserve!

Although Shimi is free now, we keep her story up because it shows what we can achieve with the financial help from supporters like you!

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